To lie or to kill your child's excitment? ...What a question.
This is something I have contemplated for awhile now. Obviously I have no children of my own to try this out on. I never believed in Santa; my family had Santa gifts, but I never believed for reasons my family had no control over. I do not feel that I was deprived by not believing and never had the disappointment of learning that Santa wasn't a real person. This makes me wonder why so many parents insist on telling this lie (along with the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy).
Note, I am not judging how anyone is raising their children. I am just posing this as a thought.
We don't push the santa,easterbunny,toothfairy thing. We try not to make a big deal about it. We don't write letters to santa but we do have surprise stockings. Those are the "santa" gifts but we still don't say, "look what santa brought you!" I just feel weired trying to get my kids to believe in something that doesn't exist. It's part of christmas but it's not them emphasis. . . it's kind of hard to explain.
I personally don't think we should tell kids about Santa.....
Is chritstmas about a fictional character..... or our savior????
Just my opinion. Another argument I have heard against it is: If we lie to our children about one thing, they will question everything we have told them if its true or not since we have lied to them about one thing.
Also, do we teach our kids to lie, or to tell the truth?
its all a personal choice though.
When I was growing up, my parents did the "Santa" thing. However, when I asked my mom if Santa was real, she told me that as long as I believed in Santa, he was real to me and that was what mattered.
When I got older, I wanted to spread that spirit of giving to my siblings. And one year when my siblings were still young, my family could not afford Christmas presents. So that year, I sneaked Christmas gifts into the house and suprized not only my siblings, but my parents (since no one was expecting gits). It has been one of my all time favorite Christmas' because I got to "play Santa".
Just thought I would give this a different perspective. I don't mind if people don't believe in Santa or if they do... my only problem is when people try to ruin it for those who do.
I am a parent who lies to her child about Santa. I LOVED believing in Santa as a kid and was incredibly sad when I learned the truth. I think it made the holidays more fun for me and I want my children to experience that too!
For the record though, I don't think there is anything wrong with not feeding the Santa lie to your children. Its all up to you, but I just wanted to share my two cents :)
We have something in common because I have always told my children that Santa Claus was make believe. People around us always felt that I was being mean and keeping our kids from having 'fun'. Well, we still baked cookies every Christmas eve but we didn't leave any out on a plate, we ate them. We still watched all the Christmas shows like the Grinch and Charlie Brown, just because they're entertaining. My kids still had a ton of gifts under the tree... so they weren't deprived. The only thing that we did different was instead of reading 'The night before Christmas,' we read about the birth of Jesus in the bible.
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