Sunday, April 08, 2012

Deaf Easter Egg Hunt

I work with two girls, M and Y, who are deaf/hard of hearing.  On Wednesday, March 28, 2012, I met the girls, and some others, at the 29th annual "EGGSTRAVAGANZA" Easter Egg Hunt for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children.  More than 50 children (ages 12 months to 18 years) showed up.  They had a great time!  Here are the pictures I took of the event:
Y, M and G petting and brushing rabbits

M holding one of the rabbits
G holding a baby bunny

Mi, G, Y, Ma, S and D

Y and M meeting new people
Anxious for the hunt!

The hunt is on!

M & Y found a little play house to hide in and eat cookies.

Yes, there was even a clown...who I stayed far away from.  One of the HS students interpreted.

Y checking out the calf

The home where the hunt was held

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